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Instagram Integrations

To integrate Instagram into your website, you can embed Instagram posts, display your Instagram feed, or use the Instagram API for more advanced integration. Here are a few methods:

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Embed Instagram Posts

To embed an Instagram post directly into your website, follow these steps:

  • Find the Instagram post you want to embed.
  • Click on the three dots at the top right corner of the post and select "Embed".
  • Copy the embed code provided.
  • Paste the embed code into your HTML.

Display Instagram Feed using a Third-Party Library

To display your Instagram feed, you can use a third-party library such as Instafeed.js:

  • Include the library in your HTML file.
  • Initialize the library with your Instagram access token.
  • Run the script to fetch and display your feed.

Using Instagram Graph API

For advanced integration using the Instagram Graph API, follow these steps:

  • Obtain your Instagram Access Token and User ID.
  • Make API requests to fetch data from your Instagram account.
  • Display the fetched data on your website.

Support for Instagram Integration

If you encounter any issues or have questions about integrating with Instagram, our support team is here to help. You can reach us through the following channels:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +91 85957 37067
  • Live chat available on our website.


For quick answers to common questions, visit our FAQ section on the website.